Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March Madness

Crazy to think that I am almost DONE with Physician Assistant School!  As of May 5, 2012 I will be an official graduate and maybe even might blog more than I do now.  I am finally leaving almost full time with James in Niceville, Florida - it is so wonderful to be together after being so far from each other for the past 6 months.  Adjusting to having a non-school life is slowly but steadily happening and it feels so wonderful to be back in a church family!

As it seems to be something that happened to much this year, James and I's family decreased by 1 when my sweet german shepherd Callie passed away right before Christmas.  It was sudden but did not come as a total surprise to James and I.  I just had this feeling, this peace that it was getting close to her time.  She could not do all that she used to love to do and I feel like it was making her sad.  She had lived with James for 3 months and I am so glad I was able to spend 6 more weeks with her before she went.  She was with me since I was 16 and was a best friend/wonderful protector.  James and I envision that she is now taking care of River where she can run and swim all she wants!

Recently James and I have had some wonderful things come into our life plan.  We have been living with my wonderful parents since December in order to save up to pay for the house we are building in Niceville, FL! We know it is completly the Lords doing because it could not be the better lender, builder and realtors.  We feel so blessed and excited to start this new chapter of our lives.  It is definetly testing my faith because I am fully relying on the Lord to provide the perfect job for me in the area.  I have no doubt he will out due my highest expectations because He always seems to do that in all things when I least expect it.  It is truly a fun process picking out brick and cabinets and floor plans.  It is in a new subdivision called Arrowhead and is located smack dab in the heart of Niceville.  I'll keep you updated with pictures as they come along!

Another huge event in Kaet's life happened this past weekend when my best friend since kindergarten (yes same class and all) Mandi, got married to a wonderful man!  I was so excited when she asked me to help make her day a special and memorable day.  Funny how I keep doing weddings, maybe I picked the wrong career choice...thats really funny...but just a joke!  She swears I should open my own etsy.com shop...I told her SURE with all the time I have - but we shall see.  Her theme was rustic romance and that is exactly what it portrayed from custom made (by me) table runners to simple babies breath, wild daisy and aster daisy bouquets, lots of birch candles and then more burlap it turned out perfect!  Best thing is she and her hubby live close to James and I so we get to continue to watch them through their newlywed phase! How fun!

Well for now, I'll just be studying away! Here's some more recent pictures of James and I and our little 1 year old puppy (he celebrated in February) Coal man living a very beachy life in good ole Florida

Love, Joy and Peace!
James, Kaet and Coal